
The Waitlist Page is used for displaying a waitlist page for a product launch. It integrates a Lottie animation, a newsletter signup form, and a brand logo.


📧Newsletter Signup: Includes a Newsletter component for users to subscribe with their email addresses.

📝Call-to-Action Text: Presents a call-to-action text to encourage users to sign up.

What's Included

< Page />

The Page component wraps the content of the WaitlistPage, providing a consistent layout structure.

< Newsletter />

The Newsletter component provides a form for users to subscribe to the newsletter.

< Brand />

The Brand component is an SVG image used as the brand logo. It is imported from the assets and displayed in the header.

Setup Component's Needs

The subscribe function from subscribe.js handles the subscription process by interacting with the ConvertKit API. When a user submits their email address through the newsletter form, this function is called to add the email to a specified ConvertKit form and optionally associate it with a specific tag.