Landing Page

The Landing Page is the entry point to your website, showcasing important features, technologies, and content such as blog posts, testimonials, and more. This page integrates various components to create a dynamic and engaging user experience. It's the starting point of your application!


💡 Hero Section: Displays the main headline and call-to-actions for users to explore your content.

🚀 Feature Highlights: Showcases key features of your platform or project.

🗣️ User Testimonials: Displays feedback from users in a visually appealing way.

Frequently Asked Questions: Provides answers to common user inquiries.

📧 Newsletter Subscription: Allows users to subscribe to your newsletter for updates.

📝 Blog Posts: Displays the latest blog posts to engage users with fresh content.


Landing Page
Landing Page
Landing Page

What's Included

< Hero />

The Hero component introduces the landing page, providing a welcoming message with calls to action for exploring your products.

< Features />

The Features component highlights key features of your product or platform.

< Components />

The Components component lists the available featured products, their details, prices and provides links to explore more.


Prop NameTypeDescription
typestringThe type of components (e.g., nextjs).
componentsarrayAn array of components to display.
titlestringThe title of the section (e.g., "Components & Features").
morebooleanDetermines if the "more components" button is displayed.

< Technologies />

The Technologies component showcases the tech stack used on the platform. It optionally uses a marquee animation to continuously scroll through the technology logos.


Prop NameTypeDescription
technologiesListarrayList of technologies to display.
playbooleanIf true, uses a marquee to scroll technologies.

< Testimonials />

The Testimonials component displays user testimonials, providing social proof for the platform.


Prop NameTypeDescription
testimonialsarrayAn array of testimonials to display.

< FrequentlyAskedQuestions />

The FAQ component displays a list of frequently asked questions in an accordion-style UI.


Prop NameTypeDescription
faqDataarrayAn array of FAQ objects containing questions and answers.

< Newsletter />

The Newsletter component allows users to subscribe to the platform's newsletter.


Prop NameTypeDescription
titlestringThe title of the newsletter section.
descriptionstringThe description of the newsletter section.
buttonTextstringText displayed on the subscription button.

< BlogSection />

The BlogSection component lists recent blog posts in your platform.


Prop NameTypeDescription
postsarrayAn array of blog post objects to display.