
Subscriptions components are used for displaying and managing the subscriptions of users. These are recurring payments made by users for access to premium content or services, and can be managed from the Admin Panel.


You can manage subscriptions at /admin/subscriptions. This is the main page that lists all the subscriptions made by users. Clicking on a subscription will show the details of that subscription at a different page.


< Subscriptions />

The Subscriptions component is responsible for rendering a table of user subscriptions, including details such as user email, total amount, and actions for viewing order details and session information.

Subscriptions Props

ordersArray<{ id: string, user: { email: string }, total: number, sessionId: string }>An array of order objects containing subscription details.
currentUserOrderPermissionsRecord<string, boolean>An object representing the current user's permissions for order actions.

< SubscriptionDetail />

The SubscriptionDetail component is responsible for rendering the details of a specific subscription order, including the products, their types, and prices.

SubscriptionDetail Props

order{ items: Array<{ id: string, product: { key: string, type: string }, price: number }> }An object representing the subscription order details, including an array of items.