Mobile Menu

The Mobile Menu provides an accessible and user-friendly interface for navigating the website on mobile devices.


📱 Responsive Design: The HamburgerButton component ensures that the navigation menu is easily accessible on mobile devices, adapting to smaller screen sizes.

🖱️ Interactive UI: The button is designed to be interactive, with click and tap functionality that triggers the mobile menu.

🔧 Modal Integration: The HamburgerButton integrates with a modal system provided by @start-base/react-modal. It utilizes the useModal hook to open a modal containing the mobile menu when clicked.

What's Included

< HamburgerButton />

The HamburgerButton component is a part of the mobile menu system. It provides a visual and interactive button (commonly known as the "hamburger" icon) that, when clicked, opens the mobile navigation menu.

HamburgerButton Props

namestringnullThe name of the modal to open when the button is clicked. This should correspond to the modal that contains the mobile menu.

< useModal />

The HamburgerButton component utilizes the useModal hook from the Modal system to open the mobile menu. When the button is clicked, the openModal function is called with the name prop, opening the corresponding modal.