Form Components


FormView is a SwiftUI component designed for editing user profile details such as name, surname, country, and date of birth. It provides interactive text fields for input and supports date and country pickers. The component allows saving changes and integrates accessibility features to enhance usability for all users.

Key Features

  • 🌐 Localized Text: Utilizes NSLocalizedString for supporting multiple languages, ensuring that text labels and placeholders adapt to the user's language preferences.
  • 📝 Custom Input Fields: Incorporates CustomTextField for entering user data with accessibility labels and hints for improved usability.
  • 🌍 Country Picker: Allows users to select their country using a pop-up CountryPicker.
  • 📅 Date Picker: Includes a date picker for users to select their date of birth with formatted input.
  • Accessibility: All interactive elements have accessibility labels and hints to enhance usability for users with disabilities.
  • 💾 Save Functionality: Features a button to save the entered user information, which interacts with the ProfileViewModel to update the profile.

Component Structure

The FormView is composed of several key elements:

  1. Text Fields: Custom text fields for name, surname, country, and date of birth.
  2. Date Picker: A custom date picker that appears when the date field is tapped.
  3. Country Picker: A pop-up country picker that appears when the country field is tapped.
  4. Save Button: A button to save the entered information.

State Management

The component uses several state variables to manage its behavior:

  • isDateFieldFocused and isCountryPickerFocused: Focus states for the date and country fields.
  • showDatePicker and showCountryPicker: Boolean states to control the visibility of the date and country pickers.
  • viewModel: An EditViewModel object that manages the form's data and logic.
  • profileViewModel: A ProfileViewModel object that handles profile-related data.

Accessibility Considerations

The FormView component prioritizes accessibility:

  • Each input field has an accessibility label and hint.
  • The date and country pickers are designed to be accessible.
  • The save button includes appropriate accessibility traits and labels.


The component uses NSLocalizedString for all text elements, ensuring easy localization to multiple languages.

Data Flow

  1. User inputs are captured in the viewModel.
  2. When the save button is tapped, the updateUserProfile method is called.
  3. If successful, changes are saved to the profileViewModel.
  4. The view is then dismissed.

Error Handling

The save action is wrapped in a do-catch block to handle potential errors during the profile update process.


The FormView can be customized by modifying the EditViewModel and ProfileViewModel to include additional fields or validation logic as needed.

Best Practices

  • Use this component within a navigation stack for proper dismissal behavior.
  • Ensure that the EditViewModel and ProfileViewModel are properly initialized before use.
  • Consider adding form validation before allowing the save action to proceed.


The FormView component offers a comprehensive solution for user profile editing in SwiftUI applications. Its focus on accessibility, localization, and user-friendly design makes it a valuable addition to any app requiring user data management.